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BMus in Church Music |
Bachelor of Music ( BMus )
In Church Music
This course includes both the study and practice of current and traditional philosophies, methods, and materials for use in the educational elements of music ministry. It also includes a study of worship forms and practices in the Judeo-Christian tradition from Biblical times to the present. Includes a study of biblical, theological, philosophical and historical foundations in liturgy. Includes practical application of those foundations in worship planning for various seasons in the church year.
The successful student will gain practical, hands-on experience in music ministry. This experience would likely include rehearsal leadership of adult choir, youth choir, children's choir, preschool choir, vocal ensembles, praise team and/or worship band, handbell choir and instrumental ensemble. Other experiences could include worship planning and leadership, hymn leading, solo performance, accompanying, participation in various musical ensembles and administrative duties. The course is 3 year programme having 480 hours of Instrumental training, 320 hours of theory and 160 hours of live stage performances.
Subjects under Church Music
- Instrumental and Vocal mastering
- Theological education
- Solo and Accompanying
- Church music history and theory
- Church music Administration
- Worship Forms and Practices
- Congregational Christian Song